DROGA MATA - Não Vote PT! posted: "- O dia em que os cães farejadores detectaram Alguém vivo no Sacrário! Postado em 10 de dezembro de 2015 por Carmadélio O site www.americaneedsfatima.org divulgou neste ano o impactante relato de um acontecimento registrado no último dia da viagem"
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by DROGA MATA - Não Vote PT!
O dia em que os cães farejadores detectaram Alguém vivo no Sacrário!
Postado em 10 de dezembro de 2015 por Carmadélio
O site www.americaneedsfatima.org divulgou neste ano o impactante relato de um acontecimento registrado no último dia da viagem apostólica do papa São João Paulo II aos Estados Unidos em 1995. O relato é apresentado pelo pe. Albert J. Byrne em um artigo intitulado "Nature's Evidence of the Real Presence" ("Uma evidência natural da Presença Real"), a propósito de Jesus Cristo presente e vivo em Carne, Sangue, Alma e Divindade na Eucaristia.
Segundo o relato, o Santo Padre estava em Baltimore, visitando o seminário de Santa Maria, e quis fazer uma visita não programada à capela do Santíssimo Sacramento. Os responsáveis pela sua segurança percorreram imediatamente todas as dependências do edifício com cães farejadores, daqueles que ajudam a localizar pessoas em desabamentos de prédios e catástrofes naturais, a fim de certificar-se de que não houvesse eventuais indivíduos escondidos no local.
Os cães também fizeram o seu trabalho dentro da capela, supostamente vazia. Quando chegaram diante do Sacrário, porém, eles pararam e ficaram olhando fixamente, como procedem quando detectam uma pessoa escondida entre escombros. De olhos fixos no Sacrário, eles cheiravam, grunhiam e se recusavam a sair do local. Para eles, havia ali dentro uma pessoa escondida.
Os cães só se retiraram depois de receber ordens dos seus responsáveis.
Posted on March 26, 2015 by Solutio Problematis Omnes
America Needs Fatima sent out the story below from an article from Father Albert J. Byrne, titled "Nature's Evidence of the Real Presence."
Here is the story as it was printed:
On the evening of the last day of his October 1995 visit to the United States, Pope John Paul II was scheduled to greet the seminarians at Saint Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. It had been a very full day that began with a Mass at Oriole Park in Camden Yards; a parade through downtown streets; a visit to the Basilica of the Assumption, the first cathedral in the country; lunch at a local soup kitchen run by Catholic Charities; a prayer service at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in North Baltimore; and finally a quick stop at Saint Mary's Seminary.
The schedule was tight so the plan was simply to greet the seminarians while they stood outside on the steps. But the Pope made his way through their ranks and into the building. His plan was to first make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. When his wishes were made known, security flew into action. They swept the building, paying close attention to the chapel where the Pope would be praying. For this purpose, highly trained dogs were used to detect any person who might be present.
The dogs are trained to locate survivors in collapsed buildings after earthquakes and other disasters. These highly intelligent and eager dogs quickly went through the halls, offices and classrooms and were then sent to the chapel. They went up and down the aisles, past the pews and finally into the side chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. Upon reaching the tabernacle, the dogs sniffed, whined, pointed, and refused to leave, their attention riveted on the tabernacle, until called by their handlers. They were convinced that they discovered someone there.
We Catholics know they were right—they found a real, living Person in the tabernacle!
DROGA MATA - Não Vote PT! | 3 de June de 2016 at 20:26 | Categories: 2014- eleições | URL: http://wp.me/p6A6F-5OG
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